Greenville Sous Chef

The Sous Chef is a kitchen manager who person reports to the Chef and manages BOH employees, operations and food production for the restaurant and Firebar. The Sous Chef provides direction and training to staff by coaching, counseling and providing feedback on job performance. The Sous Chef supervises and participates in butchering and portion control on each shift.  


This individual is responsible for creating a positive environment that sets the expectation for quality food and a neat, clean and organized kitchen.  This person is also responsible for the development of the Back of House Team.  Experience and great communication skills are required.

Recommended skills



Restaurant Operation




CareerBuilder Estimated Salary

What is the Careerbuilder Estimated Salary?
Only about 20% of the jobs in our search results contain salary information. When a job posting doesn’t include a salary, we estimate it by looking at similar jobs in the same industry in that location. It is not necessarily endorsed by the employer and actual compensation may vary based on your experience.


What is the Careerbuilder Estimated Salary?

Only about 20% of the jobs in our search results contain salary information. When a job posting doesn’t include a salary, we estimate it by looking at similar jobs in the same industry in that location. It is not necessarily endorsed by the employer and actual compensation may vary based on your experience.

This estimation is based on Job title, Industry, Location and Skills


Avg. Yearly Salary

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Job ID: 1575


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